Jupiter and Pluto Retrograde Conjunction

The three planetary ‘heavyweights’ Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto continue their dance of conjunctions through the zodiac sign of Capricorn: Saturn is concerned with stability, structures and our fear of change; Jupiter is concerned with the search for truth, and our hopes and wishes for making a better life; Pluto is concerned with how we find our spiritual will and the ability to express that power in the world; Capricorn is concerned with how the structures of businesses, governments, national and international institutions are used to wield and maintain the power of the status quo.

Following on from the Lunar and Solar Eclipses of the past weeks, Jupiter and Pluto, both now retrograde, will make their second conjunction this year on June 30th. This will mark a moment of truth.

A planet appears to go retrograde (move backwards) when, at certain points in Earth’s orbit around the Sun, the Earth ‘overtakes’ the other planet, giving the appearance that it is moving backwards. This means that, psychologically and spiritually, the other planet is retracing its steps, giving us opportunities to review, look deeper and act differently towards any issues that it might be bringing up.

The two Eclipses in recent weeks were concerned with releasing us from the influence of the power structures of the past Age of Pisces. The Lunar Eclipse was concerned with releasing our positive and negative emotional attachments to those power structures; the Solar Eclipse opened the doorway for us to choose to embrace the power that becomes available to us, when we follow the path of Spirit and move towards the new paradigm that is emerging, for the coming Age of Aquarius.

As Jupiter and Pluto make their retrograde conjunction along with Pallas Athene and Saturn, both also retrograde, this is the time when we can “unhook” from our attachments to the old power structures of the past. We may be positively attached to those structures, meaning that we believe that they are a force for good, or at least necessary in order to create and maintain stability and security. Or we may be negatively attached, understanding that they are destructive, controlling and manipulating the masses and exploiting the planet, yet feeling powerless to effect change and stuck in hopelessness, anger and resentment. Either way, if we hold strong feelings about these power structures and those that uphold them, use them or abuse them, then we will create an emotional attachment that enables them to persist, no matter how much we may disapprove of them or of how they are being applied. The key thing at this time of retrograde conjunction is to truly acknowledge what we are feeling, and use these emotions to unhook ourselves from the negative attachment in preparation to step from hopelessness into empowerment. The time for action will be when Jupiter and Pluto turn direct. (Jupiter Direct 13.09.2020, Pluto Direct 04.10.2020)

As the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto occurs, Pallas Athene is less than one degree ahead and Saturn just 6 degrees ahead. Jupiter, Pluto and Pallas are in a stand-alone (60°) sextile aspect with retrograde Neptune in Pisces. In this conjunction, Saturn is the only planet to link to other planets in the chart.

Retrograde Saturn, already in Aquarius, is a few degrees ahead of the conjunction, clearing the ground for the foundations that will support the energies of Jupiter and Pluto when they arrive into Aquarius (Jupiter on 19th December 2020; Pluto on 23rd March 2023). Pallas Athene is just ahead of Jupiter and Pluto, wielding her sword of truth to cut away the last vestiges of our attachments to the old paradigm. Now more than ever, Pallas Athene is concerned with speaking truth (Jupiter) to Power (Pluto). With Neptune also retrograde in Pisces, the task at hand is to surrender to the changes that are upon us. This involves letting go to allow the old, worn out, one-size-must-fit-all paradigm of the mass movements, beliefs, political philosophies and religions of the old Age of Pisces, to finally expire, and take all those that want to keep perpetuating that old paradigm with them! Retrograde Neptune, standing alone, is clearly showing that we cannot go back to the past, not do we yet have a clear vision of what the future holds.

This is why it is such a confusing and even frightening time for many. Retrograde Neptune in Pisces is stripping away the past, by revealing our collective illusions, delusions and wishful thinking that is not based in any way on anything that is real. All those who are hankering after some idealised “golden age” that existed somewhere in the past, are suffering from a delusion because what they are hankering after is a parody of what actually was. All those that think they already know what the future holds or claim to have a vision of what the future holds, are equally deluded, as many of those visions have the potential to turn very quickly into nightmares for everybody. Neptune remains retrograde until 29th November, so there are still many illusions and delusions that need to bubble up to the surface before then. In the meantime, Saturn holds an important key to how we can negotiate our way through this time of illusions, chaos and uncertainty.

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Saturn is in a Trapeze pattern with a (90°) square to the Moon, which is (120°) trine to the Moon’s North Node, which is square to Mars, which is (60°) sextile back to Saturn. There are two (150°) quincunxes, one between Saturn and the Node and the other, between Moon and Mars. Saturn is also part of a Learning Figure, with a square to the Moon in Scorpio, which is quincunx to Venus in Gemini, which is trine back to Saturn.

Until Saturn turns direct on 29th Sept, when it can actually begin the process of restructuring for the Aquarian Age, it is requiring us to unpick any deeply held, fear-based emotional preferences, biases and prejudices. We may have been consciously or unconsciously supporting the old paradigm, with such fear-based attitudes. The Moon in Scorpio can bring us insight into where we may be holding on to such deep, entrenched unconscious attitudes that we may be completely unaware of at the conscious level. We will need to dig deep to uncover these attitudes and shed light on where they originate from. The clues to unravelling these attitudes will lie in those situations where we find ourselves having a strong, or even violent emotional reaction. If we can step back from our emotions to follow the thread of these charged responses, then we may come to understand where we are holding on to some past emotional hurt or pain that has been skewing our perceptions. Venus can help to bring that into our conscious awareness, bringing a more balanced view that will reveal the rewards to be gleaned, once we release the stuck emotional energy that has been locked up in our unconscious.

Once we can identify the origins of our emotionally charged responses to such situations, then it is essential to start acting (Mars) in ways that stop perpetuating the destructive patterns caused by past emotional hurts that have become locked in at the unconscious level. Mars, in the first degrees of Aries means that we can embark on a whole new way of acting, freed from the mistakes of the past. The key to this lies in the two green (150°) quincunxes, which mean that we can only begin to restructure, once we have confronted and acknowledged the mistakes of our past with some degree of emotional honesty; this can then free us up enough to begin seeing things differently from a new standpoint, not tainted by our personal, or collective past. Trapeze patterns often require radical changes, affecting all areas of our lives simultaneously. We need to be willing to embrace such all-encompassing changes, so that we can actually heal the past and move on, rather than just giving lip-service or putting a sticking plaster on the wounds of the past and then expecting things to change.

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There is a T-square with Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury and Vesta, all in Cancer, which are (90°) square to Chiron in Aries, which is in (180°) opposition to Juno in Libra, which is square back to Sun – Mercury – Vesta.

The opposition from Chiron to Juno is about healing behaviour patterns from the past, which have resulted in us not having been in right relationships with others, be they individuals, groups, or nations. This is about becoming aware of past behaviour patterns that have not respected the values and rights of others, whether by deliberate commission or neglectful omission. The Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury and Vesta means that, above all now is the time when we need to think with our hearts if we are going to heal ourselves and our relations with others.

Particularly whilst Mercury is retrograde (until 12th July), if we try to address these issues with the mind alone, then we will fail. We need to learn to think with our heart-mind, and to understand that wherever our mind tells us one thing and our heart another, then we are at war with ourselves, and the outcomes will not be good.

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Uranus is at the apex of a Small Talent triangle, with (60°) sextiles to Ceres in Pisces and Sun - Mercury - Vesta in Cancer, with a (120°) trine between Ceres and Sun – Mercury - Vesta. Uranus is also forming a Sensitivity Triangle with a (150°) quincunx to Juno in Libra, which is in (180°) opposition to Chiron in Aries, which is (30°) semi-sextile back to Uranus. Uranus is also in opposition to the Moon in Scorpio.

Uranus is playing an important role in the current turmoil, by enabling our spiritual self to simply stand back and witness what is going on around us and observe any responses that are triggered within us. The opposition to the Moon can enable us to stand back and observe our emotional responses, so that we do not become overwhelmed by them. The 150° quincunx to Juno and 30° semi-sextile to Chiron can enable us to dispassionately observe and acknowledge our relationship patterns and attitudes towards others, so that wherever necessary, these may begin to be healed. But healing can only take place when we let go of our attachments; it cannot happen when we are still emotionally engaged, attached or invested in whatever it is that we are trying to heal. Uranus’ connection with Sun – Mercury – Vesta shows what is possible when we learn to think with our heart-mind. The connection with Ceres shows that, when we can see the world from the perspective of our heart-mind, then this will enable us to understand our true relationship with the Earth and how to live in harmony with her, and with all other beings.

“By emptying the self of everything, the mind can be at peace.

As the ten thousand things rise and fall, the Self watches their return.

They grow, flourish and then return to Source.

Returning to Source is stillness, which is the way of Nature.”

(Lao Tse – Dao de Jing, Chap 16 - adapted from the Gia-Fu Feng & Jane English translation)

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We will be doing live meditations on Zoom and you are invited to join us.
These meditations are in preparation for the Jupiter Pluto Retrograde Conjunction on Tuesday 30th June in the early morning.
We intend to be at the Hurlers Stone Circles on the Michael-Mary/Rainbow Serpent energy line at the time when the Moon’s Node and the constellation of Orion are directly overhead at 12.38pm.
If you would like to join us, please gather in the carpark at 12 noon and we’ll walk together-with-distance in ceremony to the stones.
You are invited to link in with us from wherever you are in the world.

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Mediation Recording

Summer Solstice and New Moon/Solar Eclipse Recording

Jupiter and Pluto Conjunction Recording


Sue Weaver