Two Eclipses in June 2020 - Part 2

Solstice on 20th June at 21:43 UT/GMT (22:43 BST)

Solar Annular Eclipse on 21st June - Maximum Eclipse at 06:39:59 UT/GMT (07:39:59 BST)

Sun – Moon exact conjunction at 06:41:18 UT/GMT (07:41:18 BST)

For more data:

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Following on from the 5th June Lunar Eclipse, a Solar Eclipse occurs on 21st June, just a few hours after the Summer Solstice on 20th. The Eclipse path begins over the Central African Republic, then passes over Congo, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen and Oman; then over Pakistan, Northern India and Tibet, where Maximum Eclipse occurs just 80 miles east-south-east of Mt. Kailas. Four minutes later, it passes Mt. Kailas.

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Mt. Kailas is the planetary Crown Chakra, according to Robert Coon ( It lies on the Great Female Dragon / Rainbow Serpent energy line that encircles the Earth. In the UK, we know this as the Michael - Mary line, that runs across southern England from near Land’s End to the Norfolk coast, passing through the Hurlers Stone Circles in Cornwall, on its way to Glastonbury, Avebury and Bury St. Edmunds. After Mt. Kailas, the Eclipse path crosses southern China and Taiwan, ending 175 miles east of Guam, in the Pacific Ocean.

The 5th June Lunar Eclipse was preparing us at the emotional level, on order to help us more easily integrate the wider shift in consciousness, at the Solar Eclipse. This Eclipse heralds a massive shift in collective consciousness, coming just a few hours after the Solstice.

If we have been functioning mainly at the ego level, this may feel a bit like having the rug pulled out from under us. Just after the rising energy of Summer reaches its peak in the Northern Hemisphere, the Eclipse will temporarily “switch off” the Earth’s energy grids for a “planetary reboot”. To the ego-self, as we approach the Solstice, we may feel that at last we can begin to move forward, to get on with fulfilling our personal agendas, needs and wants. We may feel that at last we can “Get It Done” (whatever that means). But within a matter of just 9 hours, this may all start to fall apart again! With the Sun and Moon’s energies focussed around the planetary Crown Chakra of Mount Kailas at maximum Eclipse, there is the potential for a major spiritual awakening for the whole planet.

Also occurring, around the time of maximum Eclipse, the retrograde conjunction of Pallas Athene, Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn will be passing, “like a thief in the night” over Washington DC, between 02:30 to 03:20 EDT (06:30 - 07:20 UT/GMT; 07:30 - 08:20 BST), initiating the final stages in the collapse of the outmoded power structures that have been so desperately trying to maintain the old paradigm from the Age of Pisces, the door to which was closed at the December 2012 Solstice. Since then, it is as if the powers-that-be have been attempting to re-animate a corpse!

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The dowser, David Cowan’s diagram (above) of the energy lines, running horizontally across the USA, indicates how they form an energetic link between the Great Male Plumed Serpent, in the Nevada desert, and the Great Female Rainbow Serpent, in the Azores. These lines, which pass through the main seats of power in Washington DC have been used to hold and / or manipulate the balance of power between these two great planetary dragon lines for centuries, so that whatever occurs in Washington, DC affects all of the world’s energy grids, both to east and west. There may originally have been some fine intentions behind these Masonic alignments that were set up along these energy lines when Washington was established as the capital of the USA. Over the centuries, those good intentions have become increasingly corrupted, and the notion of the USA holding a position of guardianship and service towards maintaining the balance of the Earth’s energy grids has been replaced by a growing misuse of the power that these sacred alignments confer.

For the Southern Hemisphere, this Solar Eclipse occurs just after their Winter Solstice, which means that the deepening that always occurs at a Winter Solstice will be able to move even deeper, without the same levels of ego resistance that is likely to be present in the northern hemisphere.

Those that know me will know that I seldom use the much bandied-about expression, “opening a portal”. However, this Eclipse will certainly open a major portal, allowing the energies of Pure Spirit to initiate the anchoring of the new paradigm into the Earth grids, through the planetary Crown Chakra of Mt. Kailas. At an Annular Eclipse, the Moon lies slightly further from the Earth than at a Total Eclipse, so that the Moon’s disk only obscures the centre of the Sun, leaving a ring, crown, or corona of light around the Moon’s dark disk. So, it will appear like a Crown of Light in the Heavens, directly above the Earth’s planetary Crown Chakra – As Above, So Below.

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At an Annular Eclipse, the Moon is not close enough for its shadow of totality (the umbra) to reach down to touch the surface of the Earth. The focus of the umbral shadow remains above the Earth, in the magnetosphere. A fainter shadow, called the ‘antumbra’ does touch the Earth (see diagram) and describes the Eclipse path.

As the retrograde conjunction of the 4 planets in Capricorn pass over the centres of power in Washington DC, they will send energetic ripples to release negativity throughout the world’s great energy grids, creating a “crack in everything” to allow the Light to flow, through Mt. Kailas, into the energetic layers of Mother Earth’s magnetic field and her subtle energy bodies. This incoming Light will take time to become fully anchored into the Earth grids, gradually emerging into collective awareness by the time of the Jupiter – Saturn conjunction that occurs on 21st December, just a few hours after the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice / southern hemisphere Summer Solstice.

During this Solar Annular Eclipse, the Sun and Moon are within 1° of conjunction with Menkalinan, the second brightest (beta) star in the constellation of Auriga, the Charioteer. The Moon’s North Node, showing our direction forward, will be conjunct with Betelgeuse, the brightest (alpha) star in the constellation of Orion. These star energies will filter through into our collective consciousness, as the brightness of the Sun (representing the ego-self) becomes eclipsed. Both Betelgeuse and Menkalinan are at the right shoulder of their respective constellation figures. At maximum Eclipse, the duration of the shadow, passing over Mt. Kailas, will only last for 38.2 seconds, so the energetic changes will occur “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump” (1 Corinthians chap15, v52 – King James Bible).

Betelgeuse is at Orion’s right shoulder, from where he reaches up to the point in Space where the Ecliptic path of the Planets’ orbits around the Sun intersects with the Galactic Equator. Orion reaches up to open the spiritual doorway, created by the Moon’s North Node. This occurs at the pivotal point of the Solstice, where the Ecliptic plane of our soul’s evolutionary journey, intersects with the Galactic plane of the Spirit Path that shows our route back to Oneness with all beings. This Solstice Eclipse is a moment of spiritual choice. Do we choose to continue in our usual “normal” behaviour patterns of ego based self-interest, or do we choose to step off into the unknown to follow the call of our individual / undivided Spirit on the journey back to realising our Oneness with all beings?

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Below the Ecliptic path, Betelgeuse, at Orion’s right shoulder, is pulling into manifestation our individual choice about the potentials offered by the Solar Eclipse, anchoring them into our physical reality through the Celestial Equator, which intersects the stars at Orion’s belt.

Meanwhile, above the Ecliptic path, Menkalinan, the "shoulder of the rein-holder" in Auriga the Charioteer, opens the possibility for the eclipsed Sun to enable us to let go of the ego-self, to be carried along the Galactic Equator, the Spirit Path that leads towards liberation and the conscious acceptance of our Oneness. Traditionally, Menkalinan is said to be enterprising, combative and often destructive. It can bring ruin, disgrace and even violent death. One assumes that it is more likely to manifest these negative qualities, when one’s combative nature makes one refuse to acknowledge, or acquiesce to the call of the Spirit. (Boris Johnson has his Sun and Venus conjunct Menkalinan, so this will be an interesting Eclipse for him, and by extension for the whole UK.)

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At its best, this star is said to indicate great initiative and enthusiasm; but due to its impulsiveness and recklessness, caution and objective second thoughts arerequired before any action is taken. The constellation of Auriga is depicted in Tarot card VII, the Chariot. It shows the chariot, being drawn by two complementary (yin and yang) horses, which later were turned into sphinxes. These creatures represent the dualism of the workings of the human mind, attributed to Gemini (the Twins), the constellation that lies below Auriga. (Traditionally the Chariot is said to be associated with Cancer, but this is clearly a misdirection.) The driver of the Chariot holds no reins to control the direction of movement of the horses / sphinxes. Either, he is controlling them by an act of will, or else they will have free rein to run out of control, pulling the chariot first in one direction, then another. The staff that the charioteer holds in his right hand shows his connection with Spirit, from where he derives his power. But if that connection with Spirit is lacking, then his Chariot will veer out of control.

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Two T-square patterns (red triangles) dominate the chart for the Solar Eclipse:

One has the conjunction of Sun and Moon in Cancer with Moon’s North Node in the last degree of Gemini, in (180°) opposition to the Moon’s South Node in Sagittarius, with (90°) square aspects from Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces to both ends of the opposition.

We have seen above the spiritual qualities, possibilities and choices open to us at this Eclipse. The T-squares reveal the challenges we will each face in how we manage to manifest these choices, or not. The opposition to the South Node in Sagittarius continues the theme of the Lunar Eclipse, emphasising the need to let go of outmoded belief systems that no longer serve anyone. In particular this is about letting go of belief systems, where we blindly and unconditionally follow those who may appear to hold more power than we do. The red (90°) squares to Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces indicate that, before we act, we need to be consider whether our actions will benefit the whole. This means that we need to act out of conscious awareness and choices and not simply because ”that is the way we have always done things” or “that is what I have always believed”. We need to be questioning everything because very little is what it appears to be, at present.

As with the recent Lunar Eclipse, the conjunction of retrogrades Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas Athene and Saturn feature prominently at this Solar Eclipse.

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A Sensitivity Triangle has retrogrades Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas Athene and Saturn in (150°) quincunx to the Sun, Moon and North Node and (30°) semi-sextile to the South Node in Sagittarius.

Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas Athene and Saturn continue the process from the Lunar Eclipse, “unhooking” ourselves from attachments to old power structures and those who represent that in the world. This means unhooking ourselves from all those who wield their power in our name, but do not actually have our best interests at heart. This is not about deciding which side is right and which is wrong, it is not about deciding which “camp” we fall into or want to align ourselves with. All sides are getting many things wrong. When one side or the other apparently does something “right”, it does not necessarily mean that everything they do or say is right. Much of what is going on is random; occasionally those in power will pick up on something that meets with our approval, and we may think that they understand what is going on. Then the very next day, they will do or say the most ridiculous, mindless or stupid thing that completely contradicts their apparent understanding or wisdom of the previous day. Whilst these 4 planets remain retrograde, there will continue to be a load of misdirection, obfuscations, lies and about-turns in policies and decision-making. The Solar Eclipse offers a moment out of time, where we can see through the web of illusion being spun around us, and step through into the paradigm, where we can begin to nurture and grow the new reality into being. We cannot know fully what that new reality will be until we step through into it, so this requires a complete letting go of the past and a high level of trust, as we step through into the unknown.

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The other T-square has Chiron in Aries in opposition to Juno in Libra’, with (90°) square aspects from Vesta in Cancer. Vesta is widely conjunct with retrograde Mercury in Cancer.

It may seem that the amount of healing of misaligned relationships required in the world, is overwhelming to our hearts. It may feel that we are not up to the new challenges that are being presented to us, almost on a daily basis. This may be causing huge amounts of tension, anxiety and feelings of inadequacy about our ability to effect any meaningful change. But the key to bringing about planetary healing is by us each individually taking small steps to move back into right relationship with self and others. This can only be achieved by listening to and following the promptings of our innermost heart, and by knowing that we are not alone in this. Whilst Mercury is retrograde (until 12th July), our minds will not be of much help in this and will most likely just lead us off into various distractions or blind alleys. We need to stay focussed in our hearts.

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Vesta is in a Small Talent Figure, with a (120°) trine to Ceres in Pisces and (60°) sextiles from Uranus in Taurus to Vesta and Ceres.

If we truly listen to our hearts, and trust that the Spirit of the Universe actually knows what it is doing, even though few humans appear to have even an inkling, then this will allow insight and inspiration to come to us. We also need to go deep within our hearts to listen to the Spirit of Mother Earth and to understand that she too knows exactly what she is doing.

💚 💙 🌍 💙 💚


We will be doing live meditations on Zoom and you are invited to join us.
These meditations are in preparation for the Jupiter Pluto Retrograde Conjunction on Tuesday 30th June in the early morning.
At this time, we will be at the Hurlers Stone Circles on the Michael-Mary/Rainbow Serpent energy line.
You are invited to link in with us from wherever you are in the world.


Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Mediation Recording

Summer Solstice and New Moon/Solar Eclipse Recording

Jupiter and Pluto Conjunction Meditation
Time: Jun 29, 2020 08:00 PM London
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 0385 3589

💚 💙 🌍 💙 💚

Sue Weaver