sacred journeys


Marcus and Sue have been leading Sacred Journeys together to many places around the world. Over the last 15 years we have travelled, explored and shared many powerful and magical experiences with groups in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Denmark, Hawaii, Alaska and the Canary Islands.




We bring together many years' individual experience of working in a conscious way with the balance of the feminine and masculine. We work with Planetary Chakra Meditations, Ceremony, Astrology, Earth Energies, Sound Healing and Sacred Geometric Crystal Grid Patterns.

Our primary focus is always towards healing our relationship with Mother Earth at this pivotal time, rather than providing a personal spiritual experience for participants. Inevitably, such personal experiences do occur in powerful and profound ways, by letting go of self and working together in community, in service to Mother Earth and Father Sky. You can read about what people have to say about working with us.

Our journeys usually are timed to coincide with significant planetary alignments, such as major planetary conjunctions or eclipses, in order to receive the healing potential of those celestial energies and anchor them into Earth's energy grids, thus helping to bring Heaven to Earth.

Stonehenge Planetary Temple of the Solar System Sacred Journeys

4 sacred journeys from 2019 to ? (who knows when!)


In 2019 we made the first of these Sacred Journeys, starting at Stonehenge and working with sites on the planetary orbits of Mercury, Venus, Mars, the Asteroids, Jupiter and Saturn. The work was powerful beyond what we had imagined, and we shared some very special experiences together.

You can read about that Sacred Journey here.

Having prepared for Journey 2 in 2020, we have had to postpone it three times. This eventually happened in September 2023.

You can read about that Sacred Journey here

More Sacred Journeys will follow, to connect with Pluto’s orbit through Ireland, Scotland and Europe.



About this exciting and inspirational work - can you help?

Our focus is to introduce people to working with the vast landscape temple of the Planets of the Solar System, which was uncovered by Marcus, back in the 1990’s. Since then, he has worked with others to identify the main sites on each planetary orbit and help anchor and rebalance their frequencies in the landscape, using crystal grids, meditations, sacred ceremony and mini sacred journeys. To date, a small group have worked in this way with all the planets and main asteroids out as far as Neptune. All that remains to complete this vast and beautiful planetary work, is to work with Pluto, which is the purpose of this sequence of journeys. Pluto’s orbit is vast. In relation to Stonehenge as the Sun, it extends out through central Ireland, into Scotland, then across the North Sea into northern Germany and roughly the middle of France. It will require 4 separate journeys to visit and work with all the sites along Pluto’s orbit.  

The journeys are designed to work together as a sequence. So, whilst it is possible to join us for just one or two individual journeys, we encourage you to aim to come on all, or as many of them as possible, if you feel drawn to this work. This is why we are spacing them out to one a year and working hard to keep the costs as low as possible. In this way, you will be able to contribute your input, wisdom, energy and love into the process of completing, harmonising and healing this vast planetary landscape temple.

This work feels particularly important at a time when Britain has (very clumsily) severed political and economic ties with our neighbours - Ireland, Germany, France (and other EU members). It feels crucial to ensure that we work in this way to maintain the spiritual and energetic relationship between these lands, to heal and release the past and help ensure that the Spirits of these lands (and by extension, their inhabitants) move into healthy right relationship in the future.

Pluto is about spiritual power and spiritual sovereignty. On these sacred journeys, we will need to address and heal the past abuse or misuse of this power, so that this vast, intricate web of sacred sites, which was created long before national boundaries came into being, may once again resonate a deep inner harmony into these lands, whilst enabling each land to maintain its spiritual integrity and spiritual sovereignty.

Journey 1 – 27th September to 4th October 2019 – England

Introducing the Stonehenge Planetary Temple of the Solar System - Sun to Saturn

You can read about that Sacred Journey here.

Journey 2 – 19th to 29th September 2023 - England and Wales

Sun to chiron, SATURN, URANUS AND neptune

You can read about that Sacred Journey here

Journey 3 – 2025 - Ireland

We are now taking bookings for this Sacred Journey to Ireland from 17th 30th September.

We will meet in Cork and travel up the centre of Ireland as we follow the orbit path of Pluto in the planetary temple of the Solar System that extends out around Stonehenge as the Sun. Sites we will visit include Drombeg Stone Circle, Grange Stone Circle, Inis Cealtra/Holy Isle, St Brigid’s Well, Loughcrew Cairns, Slieve Gullion, Giant’s Causeway, Newgrange, Tara and several other sites. We will attend an Autumn Equinox Ceremony at the Hill of Uisneach, the ancient spiritual centre of Ireland.

Email for more information and an application form.

Twin and double rooms available - total cost £2820 per person.
We may have one single room available.


Journey 4 - Scotland

Journey 5 - Belgium, Netherlands and France