Jupiter conjunct Uranus - 21 st April

Conjunction exact: 01:02 – 02:46 UT / 02:02 – 03:46 BST

Join us for a morning of preparation (max 17 people) at

St. Dominick Parish Hall, near Callington, Cornwall, (10.00am – 1.00pm)

followed by a meditation at the Hurlers Stone Circles on Bodmin Moor.

Details of meditation and preparation at the end

A conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus occurs roughly every 14 years. The last time was in the last few degrees of Pisces, when they were conjunction three times; the first was in June 2010, then a retrograde conjunction in Sept 2010, followed by a direct conjunction in January 2011.

This time, they will just make a one-off conjunction in Taurus (21° 49’) on 21 st April, with no retrogrades or follow-up conjunctions. The Sabian symbol for this degree of Taurus, “a white dove over troubled waters”, holds out a message of hope for the positive expression of these two planetary giants. Dane Rudhyar describes this symbol as referring to the “spiritual inspiration that comes to the individual in the overcoming of crisis.”

In his excellent book Cosmos and Psyche, Richard Tarnas refers to past Jupiter - Uranus conjunctions under the following chapter headings: “convergences in scientific breakthroughs; social and political rebellions and awakenings; quantum leaps and peak experiences; iconic moments and cultural milestones”, as well as the possibility for “great heights and shadows.”

This last heading is perhaps the most important, as it reminds us that for every liberating breakthrough, political rebellion, quantum leap, peak experience or iconic moment, there needs to be a corresponding depth of understanding, maturity, compassion and wisdom in order to not get carried away with the euphoria or peak experience of the moment, nor for that to somehow be hijacked by the “elite” (a negative Uranus trait) for their own ends. For all its reaching out for the stars, Jupiter needs to keep us firmly in touch with the realities of the physical world, particularly as this conjunction occurs in the Earth sign, Taurus. No matter what insights we may receive, what breakthroughs we may achieve, we need to remember to keep it real and grounded.

At its best, Uranus can bring unexpected, radical change, shaking up the status quo with a view to creating enhanced levels of individual spiritual freedom, awakening and enlightenment. At its worst, Uranus can be cruelly destructive, sometimes just for the sake of it, without any noble vision apart from that of maintaining or enhancing the power of a small number of privileged individuals or those who regard themselves as somehow an elite, special or “chosen” group.

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is concerned with growth, expansion and abundance. It can open us to a broad, all-encompassing vision, which can enhance the potentials of all who encounter its magnanimous energies. At its worst, Jupiter can lead to excess, exaggeration, over- indulgence, or an inflated sense of ego and self-importance.

The combination of these two outer planets can open us to untold creative and innovative potentials, triggering the impulse for positive change for the future, which may take us way beyond what we could possibly have imagined. The key is to focus on the positive, on what is the most beneficial for the greatest number of people. If this energy is somehow diverted to serve the self- interests of the few, then the outcomes may not be so positive at all. So, this conjunction presents each and every one of us with a choice about how to move forward, individually and collectively.

Jupiter - Uranus is part of a Small Talent triangle, with a (120°) trine to Ceres in Capricorn, which is (60°) sextile to Mars in Pisces, which is also sextile back to Jupiter – Uranus.

The positive potential of Jupiter – Uranus needs to be understood from the perspective of serving the well-being of Mother Earth, represented by Ceres in Capricorn. The sextiles to Mars in Pisces indicate the need to act from the highest possible principles and levels of personal integrity, for the benefit of the whole.

Ceres is at the apex of a T-square, with (90°) squares to the Moon’s South Node in Libra, and to the stellium conjunction of Moon’s North Node, Mercury, Venus and Chiron.

The power of the T-square points to the urgency of addressing planet-wide environmental issues, by focussing on the positive changes that can be achieved. This requires the application of forward-thinking rational intelligence (Mercury in Aries) along with emotional intelligence (Venus in Aries), which need to be aligned, in order to restore balance and bring long-term healing, and not just quick, temporary fixes that bring with them a whole raft of other problems for the future.

The Sabian symbol for the South Node in Libra, “a boat landing washed away”, makes it abundantly clear that we can never go back to old attitudes and ways of behaving towards our planet. The green (150°) quincunx from the South Node to Saturn in Pisces indicates the need to honestly acknowledge our worst fears, but not to get distracted by those fears, or get caught up in denial or deflection of the problem.

Jupiter – Uranus are also (120°) trine the Moon in Virgo, which is in (180°) opposition to Mars and Neptune and (120°) trine to Pluto, which is (90°) square to the Sun, which is (150°) quincunx back to the Moon.

The trine from Jupiter – Uranus to the Moon in Virgo can show us how to integrate, at a personal level, the vast collective possibilities that Jupiter and Uranus are awakening in us. The trine from the Moon to Pluto will bring up whatever collective inner fears we may have bought into, so we may confront and overcome them, and use the knowledge and wisdom of Jupiter – Uranus to show us how to embody the new reality that is emerging.

There is a (120°) trine from the Sun to retrograde Juno in Virgo, which is part of a Small Learning triangle, with a (90°) square to retrograde Pallas Athene in Sagittarius, which is (150°) quincunx Vesta in Cancer, which is (60°) sextile back to Juno.

In order to embody the new reality that Jupiter – Uranus is awakening within us, we need to examine how we may have fallen out of right relationship with the creative power of the feminine (retro Juno), particularly where we may not have fully respected our own or others’ boundaries (retro Pallas), even though, at the time, we may have believed we were acting from the best motives. The green (150°) quincunx connection from retro Pallas to Vesta will challenge us to find the right balance between protecting our boundaries and honouring the boundaries (and limitations) of others, whilst at the same time remaining open-hearted, all embracing and living from the truth at the core of our being.

For All Our Relations

We invite you to join us for a morning of preparation at St. Dominick Parish Hall, near Callington, Cornwall, (10.00am – 1.00pm), where we will each prepare to “hold” the energy of a planet, so that we can mirror the astrological pattern of the planets overhead at the conjunction.
(This part is for a maximum of 17 people – cost £5 pp to pay for the hall)

Please email to book and for payment details.

Then we will drive (30 mins) to the Hurlers, where we will gather at the car park by 1.45pm and process together up to the stones, to be ready for the moment when Jupiter and Uranus pass overhead.

If you wish to just join us for the meditation at the Hurlers, to hold the energy in an outer circle, please let us know in advance, wear warm waterproof clothing and bring a Love Donation.

Sue Weaver