Total Solar Eclipse - 4th December 2021:

Sun – Moon conjunction exact at 07:43 Universal Time/GMT
Maximum Eclipse at 07:33 UT/GMT
Local Time (South Atlantic – Falkland Isles: 04:33 AST (Atlantic Time)
Eclipse total duration 07:04 – 08:02 UT/GMT

A short but powerful Total Solar Eclipse occurs on 4th December, over the South Atlantic Ocean, starting between the Falkland Islands and South Georgia then passing over West Antarctica. The whole of Antarctica, including the magnetic South Pole, will be covered by a partial Eclipse which will also cross Namibia and South Africa (25% eclipse visible over Table Mountain) as well as Tasmania. So, this eclipse will primarily be affecting the Earth energy grids in the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean through which the Great Male Plumed Serpent planetary dragon line flows. As the partial Eclipse shadow covers both the rotational and magnetic South Poles, this will enable the release of misaligned energies that are caught in the Plumed Serpent dragon line. Table Mountain is the southern hemisphere’s main driver-wheel for the Plumed Serpent, so the partial Eclipse there will enable a cleansing for this powerful Earth chakra.

The Moon and Sun are conjunct with Vesta and Mercury in Sagittarius, all in (150º) quincunx aspect to retrograde Uranus in Taurus, which is (60º)  sextile to Pallas in Pisces and (90º) square Saturn in Aquarius. Vesta, Moon, Sun and Mercury are also sextile to Saturn and square to Pallas, which is (30º) semi-sextile to Saturn. 

This whole trapeze-shaped pattern is known as a UFO, as it holds much hidden power and potential that is quite difficult to understand or harness but which can bring great learning and breakthroughs, leading to wisdom and understanding. 


Whereas the Lunar Eclipse two weeks ago (also mainly over the Plumed Serpent line) had the effect of releasing us from emotional attachments to past ways of being and behaving, this Solar Eclipse is challenging us to find an inner and outer balance between the heart (Vesta) and the mind (Mercury) as we move forward. The green (150º)quincunxes from Vesta, Moon, Sun and Mercury to retrograde Uranus are bringing the opportunity to allow different, and hopefully wiser choices for our future than those that we may have been making, even in the recent past. Pallas Athene and Saturn will ensure that we stay connected with reality, but also to ensure that we do not just get stuck in the past and do what we have always done. Uranus retrograde is un-hooking our attachments so we can release the collective memories of how we responded to its energies the last time it was in Taurus, back in the 1930’s.

Saturn in Aquarius is requiring us to be innovative in how we approach the very real practical problems that face us, whilst Pallas in Pisces is showing us that we actually have unlimited possibilities for change, if we can just trust our imagination and inner spiritual knowing. 

The Moon’s South Node in Sagittarius, widely conjunct with Vesta, Moon and Sun, is in  opposition to retrograde Ceres, which is conjunct the Moon’s North Node; these are (150º) quincunx to Juno in Capricorn and (120º) trine to Saturn in Aquarius, forming a so-called “megaphone” pattern, with Juno forming (30º) semi-sextiles to Vesta and Saturn.


The Moon’s North Node always indicates the inner spiritual purpose of any astrology chart, be it a personal chart or the chart of an event, such as an eclipse. The presence of retrograde Ceres close to the North Node in Gemini, means that our primary focus must be to truly listen to the needs of Mother Earth, to ensure the future well-being of our planet. The quality of the megaphone pattern is that if we even just speak our truth quietly at the narrow end (Ceres – North Node), then the planets at the wide end (Juno & Saturn) will amplify that for all to hear, loud and clear. Whilst the connection with Saturn is concerned with understanding what we need to do on a practical level, what changes we need to make and what new technologies we may need to employ, the real key is the green (150º) quincunx to Juno, because that is where true understanding of our relationship with the Earth will come. That understanding comes when we become fully awake to the fact that we each have our own personal relationship with the spirit of Mother Earth, and through Her with the spirits of all sentient beings on Earth. Juno in Capricorn is concerned with being in conscious and practical right relationship with Mother Earth. This means we each need to not only walk our talk, in whatever ways are appropriate and practical for us, but also to hold to account all those involved in the big organisations, governments and corporations who are having the greatest impact on climate change and can also have the greatest impact in redressing the balance. 

The fact that this is a South Node Eclipse and the planets directly involved in the Moon – Sun conjunction, Vesta and Mercury in Sagittarius, means that we need to let go (South Node), once and for all of our attachments to entrenched belief systems and opinions about what is the right way of doing things and instead actually observe and listen to what our hearts and minds are showing us, right before our very eyes. The powers that want to maintain the illusion of those outmoded beliefs (especially the ‘religion’ of perpetual capitalist profit and growth at any cost) keep trying to tell us that black is white and wrong is right, whilst the evidence in front of us is telling us louder and louder that this is not so. 

The (90º) square aspect between Juno and retrograde Chiron in Aries means that accepting the challenge to understand our true relationship with the Earth as a living being is the key to healing our relationship with Her. Once we understand that we do not individually have to heal the planet, but that we just need to heal our own relationship with Her, then the whole thing starts to feel more manageable and possible. In short, we need to love the planet as our Mother, to heal our relationship with her, not in some New Agey, hippy, space-cadety sort of way, but in real, practical, down-to-earth ways that can bring about positive change. 

Mars is trine Neptune in Pisces, both with sextiles to Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.


When we are motivated by the power of being in loving relationship (Venus conjunct Pluto) with ourself, with others and the planet, then infinite possibilities (Neptune in Pisces) for deep and meaningful change (Mars in Scorpio) become available and achievable. The only thing that limits us is our own imagination (Mars square Jupiter in Aquarius).


Sue Weaver