Uranus goes Direct

Uranus goes Stationary Direct & Sun conjuncts Pluto

14th January 08:36 UT/GMT

Mars conjuncts Uranus- 20th January 20:19 UT/GMT

To begin, here’s a quick reminder from the previous blog about ‘Precession of the Equinoxes’:

Tropical Zodiac.png

The Tropical Zodiac begins at Spring Equinox (in northern hemisphere), with the Sun at 0° Aries. This is where the Celestial Equator (Earth’s equator projected into space) intersects with the Ecliptic (Earth’s orbit path around the Sun).

Over the course of 25,626-years, the Earth completes one full 360° “wobble” on its axis. This causes the Spring (and Autumn) Equinox points to move very slowly backwards (precess) through space in relation to the star constellations that originally gave the Zodiac signs their names and characteristics around 4,000 years ago. It takes roughly 2,135 years for the Equinox point to traverse backwards through each complete constellation.

Because of this, the Tropical Zodiac has gradually slipped out of phase with the Sidereal (star) Zodiac. Now Uranus in Tropical Zodiac Taurus, is also in Sidereal Zodiac Aries. But this does not invalidate either Zodiac. The patterns and cycles created by the planets’ movements through space are multi-layered, dealing with vast distances and perspectives. The Sidereal Zodiac is concerned with spiritual qualities and archetypes emanating from the starlight of distant constellations, taking many light-years away to reach us. They influence vast cycles of spiritual evolution on Earth.

The Tropical Zodiac, much closer to home, is based on Earth’s axis tilt in relation to the Sun, which creates the cycle of the seasons. The positions of the planets around the Tropical Zodiac signs define individual human experiences, growth, personal karma and personal spiritual evolution.

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Uranus has been ‘retrograde’ (appearing to move backwards, from Earth’s perspective) for the last 5 months since mid-August. On 14th January, Uranus turns ‘stationary direct’ (appears to stop, then starts moving forwards again, from Earth’s perspective). On the same day, the Sun will become exactly conjunct with Pluto.

This combination of celestial events means that positive and, quite probably, unanticipated changes can now begin to occur. As Uranus direct opens up possibilities for positive change, the Sun conjunct Pluto will align us with the immense potency of our spiritual will, focussing us to feel fully empowered in our inner knowing and able to express our innermost truths (Sun – Pluto in Sidereal Sagittarius). If we do this from a place of empowerment, then we each, in our own way, can begin to radically transform the existing power structures and institutions that underpin the business, financial and political worlds (Sun - Pluto in Tropical Capricorn), and which have been ever more blatantly seeking to exert control over the masses.

For now, the time for the breaking down these old patterns and structures is over, or at least on hold. With Uranus now going direct, we are entering a period for radical re-structuring.

Uranus will again go retrograde from August 2021 to January 2022, which will mark the next phase in the breakdown of old structures. Whilst we can now take a pause for breath, we should use this time wisely, because if we should get it wrong, then it will all simply collapse back again during the next Uranus retrograde phase, and we will end up back at square one. But, if we make wise decisions and choices now, then Uranus’ next retrograde phase will be more about making adjustments, tweaking and fine tuning what is already becoming established.

The effects of Uranus going direct are unlikely to be fully felt until a few days later, on 20th January, when Mars moves up to become exactly conjunct with Uranus, igniting the touch-paper (or providing the kick up Uranus!) for some genuine, radical, positive changes to begin. This just happens to be on the day of the US presidential inauguration. With this combination of planets, it is quite likely that the changes that get triggered now, will quickly open up unforeseen possibilities, with surprising twists, turns and consequences that we could not have possibly imagined a few months ago when all the outer planets were retrograde, creating a sense of gloom, despair and hopelessness.

We will have to contend with the on-going (90°) square aspect from Saturn to Uranus that began on 16th December 2020, and which continues on and off until February 2022. Serious, cautious, traditionally-minded Saturn will serve to temper and restrain the more extreme excesses and crazy ideas that might otherwise be associated with Uranus in Taurus. However, we should remember that Saturn and Jupiter are now in the first few degrees of Tropical Aquarius (the sign ruled by Uranus), so working together, Jupiter and Saturn can also help provide the vision and structure to accommodate the Uranian energies of change, enabling constructive ways to bring Uranus’ urge for radical change into manifestation.

The on-going 90° square from Saturn is likely to bring a cycle of radical changes getting challenged, or blocked by the status quo, then reaching some kind of compromise, only to trigger another round of radical changes, which then get challenged by the status quo, then reaching another compromise, and so on and so on. Hopefully, by February 2022 this repetitive cycle will have resulted in some constructive, positive, lasting change for the better.

There are some fundamental, underlying problems with Uranus being in Tropical Taurus and Sidereal Aries (see note at the beginning about the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs).

Uranus’ main drive is for freedom. Being one of the three outer ‘spiritual’ planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), Uranus’ true purpose is to liberate us from identification with our physical and emotional nature, our personality and our attachments to the material world. In this way it can open us up to a direct knowing of the wisdom of Spirit. This urge for individual freedom is a spiritual impulse, coming strongly from Uranus’ position in Sidereal Aries. In essence, Uranus in Sidereal Aries is about waking us up to our attachments to having a separate, ego-based identity, so that we can let go of that. Uranus is challenging us to realise our true spiritual identity, our individuality, or un-dividedness. When we realise our individuality, that we are un-divided, then we must inevitably realise that we are one with all other in-dividuals. We cannot be un-divided, yet separate from others, as that is an untenable paradox, bordering on insanity.

This Uranian urge to awaken our in-dividuality is having to manifest itself into the 3D world through Tropical zodiac sign Taurus, which is concerned with the material world, with natural and man-made structures, possessions and attachments. So, it is no surprise that the Uranian urge for freedom is being interpreted at the human personality level as the need to break down, break through or break free from limiting, controlling structures, some of which are just inherent in the nature of the 3D physical world, and some of which have been deliberately imposed by those wishing to exert and maintain control.

On the one hand, there are increasing portions of society, awake enough to perceive this impulse towards individual freedom, from Uranus in Sidereal Aries. But many have not yet come to the realisation that true freedom requires the letting go of identification with the ego and with our attachments to the dramas bring played out in the material world. This is why many of the patterns people are trying to break free from are perceived as ‘conspiracies’, being deliberately aimed at them. Just which ‘conspiracy’ you believe in enough to align with depends on the bias of your own personal starting point, the ego’s attachments to particular belief systems, the unhealed wounds of the past, or to many other complex ramifications. Projecting all of this out onto some convenient bogey-man ‘out there’ who is out to get you, neatly sidesteps the need to truly confront what still needs to be released or healed within.

On the other hand, the reality is that the small percentage of those holding power are terrified of the possibility of losing control, because the masses are awakening enough to discover their own spiritual autonomy, and thereby have no more need for those in power. Consequently, they (those in power) seek to impose ever more oppressive means of controlling the masses and trying to get everyone to conform to their very limited view of reality. This fear reaction towards those who are waking up to see through the illusion, then fuels the belief of the waking up ones that the controlling ones are out to get them! It’s like the old joke: “Just because you are paranoid, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t out to get you anyway!” It’s a self-perpetuating, self-generating loop. You start to wake up, you perceive the status quo as the problem preventing you from being free, you challenge the status quo, those in charge of the status quo impose restrictions to control you and to try to maintain the status quo, and suddenly both sides are caught up in the belief that they are conspiring against the other, thereby creating and escalating ever-increasing division. So ironically, the Uranian urge to break free of illusion can end up generating ever more layers of illusion, intrigue, drama, and real or imagined subterfuge. There comes a moment, where we have to stand back and shout “STOP!”

Uranus turning stationary direct on 14th January is one such moment. This is a time to stop, to stand back and just observe everything calmly and dispassionately, without attachments or judgments, so as to catch a clear glimpse of the Reality that is occurring, freed from all personal, hopes, fears, expectations, judgments and projections.

The best time for this is when Uranus appears to come to a complete standstill (stationary), as it changes from being retrograde to moving direct. Uranus will be ‘stationary direct’ from 08:36 UT/GMT on 14th January to 08:36 UT/GMT on 15th January. Meditating at any time during this window will key you into the highest possible potentials associated with Uranus, such as calm detachment, spiritual insight and deep inner knowing. See the suggested meditation at the end of this blog.

As Uranus continues its progress through Tropical Taurus over the next 5 years, it will bring several such moments of needing to stop, stand back and simply witness what is happening, calmly and dispassionately, thereby releasing us from the ways in which we may be, often quite unconsciously, perpetuating these repeating cycles, by our attachment to the dramas that are unfolding around us.

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The 90° squares from Saturn and Jupiter, along with Moon, Mercury and Pallas Athene, to Uranus and Mars are providing part of the inner structure of a “Shield” pattern. There is another square from Venus in Capricorn to Chiron in Aries, with 120° trines from Venus to Mars – Uranus, and 60° sextiles from Saturn, Jupiter, Moon, Mercury, Pallas to Chiron and 30° semi-sextiles at each end of the figure.

This pattern shows the need to build up our inner resilience and core strength. This resilience can enable us to ward off or absorb the on-going and repeated shocks and traumas, which have become a part of our daily lives over the past year or more. The 90° squares from Saturn, Jupiter, Moon, Mercury and Pallas to Mars and Uranus will provide the resilience needed to weather these difficult times, if we approach them from a broad perspective, with clarity, sensitivity and reasoned intelligence. Or alternatively, we can choose to futilely kick back from a purely gut level reaction, like peevish, rebellious teenagers and achieve nothing.

The other square, from Venus to Chiron can help prevent us from becoming hardened or cynical. The 120° trine from Mars – Uranus to Venus is showing us the rewards that become possible, when we embrace change and remain open and flexible enough to assimilate those changes into our daily lives. The 30° semi-sextiles at either end of the pattern show the importance of maintaining awareness of all that is good and natural (Venus), and the healing potential that becomes available to us (Chiron), when we let go of hardened attitudes or attachments to the past. The semi-sextiles also help to keep us grounded and focussed by appreciating the value of our simple day-to-day tasks and interactions with others.

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The on-going Grand Cross that still dominates the chart will end in early March 2021. Until then, it continues the process of challenging us to release outmoded beliefs of the past (South Node in Sagittarius), so that we can explore new ways to move forward (North Node in Gemini), by following our hearts (Vesta) in ways that honour and balance the needs of the many (Neptune) with the pressing needs of our Mother Earth (Ceres). Any past beliefs that prevent us from following the promptings of our innermost heart, or which do not honour and respect others or the natural world should be released, because they no longer serve the true interests of anyone.

As Uranus goes direct, the full potential of the Sun – Pluto conjunction can feed into the Grand Cross pattern along the 120° (blue trine) aspect to Vesta. The Sun conjunct Pluto aligns our heart centre (Sun) with our true spiritual will (Pluto). This can be a potent force for change, when we allow that potential to manifest as unconditional love (Vesta), freed from personal agendas, needs or desires. This is about simply doing what is right with complete conviction and without attachment to the outcome. The more we act in this way and observe the results of doing this, the more our confidence will grow to do it more, so that the expression of unconditional love, aligned with pure will can grow exponentially in the world.

For All Our Relations.


You can do this anytime from 08:36 UT/GMT on 14th January to 08:36 UT/GMT on 15th January


Sit comfortably, with feet on the ground, or sitting cross-legged on the ground, to stay grounded.

Breathe into your heart and out and down through your body into the Earth.

Breathe golden sunlight into your heart and out and down into the Earth.

Breathe the golden sunlight into your heart and let it flow in your bloodstream to every cell in your body.

Feel your heart centre open like a golden flower, turned upwards towards the crown of your head.

Keeping your attention focussed in your heart, feel the pure white light of Uranus opening the Crown centre at the top of your head.

Breathe the white light in and down through your central vertical column of light, into the flower at your heart centre, where you breathe out.

Breathe in at the Heart centre and out and down into the Earth.

Continue breathing in and down to the Heart and out and down into the Earth, until the heart becomes perfectly still.

When you are ready, return to just breathing in and out at the Heart centre.

Reach down to the Earth and wrap your entire body in a cloak of gold and emerald green light.

When you are ready, open your eyes.