Jupiter conjuncts Pluto

for the third and final time this year

(Please go to the end for Ceremony information)

12th November at 19:38 UT /GMT
(Europe - 20:38 CET; USA - 14:38 EST)

On 12th November, Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct with Pluto and asteroid Pallas Athene; they will also be widely conjunct (by 4°) with Saturn. With all 4 of them now moving direct, this will enable the most positive expression of their qualities. In essence, this is a time for manifesting the Power of Truth and Justice. Pluto is concerned with Power, Jupiter with Truth and Pallas with standing firm to uphold Truth and Justice; Saturn is concerned with how to manifest those qualities in the real world.

All of these are in the star constellation of Sagittarius which, due to Earth’s precessional “wobble” now aligns with the Tropical Zodiac sign of Capricorn.  This means that whilst they are holding the most positive spiritual potentials for the expression of a new vision of Power, Truth and Justice (Sagittarius constellation), they are coming up against the shortcomings, limitations and vested interests of the structures and institutions of the political, financial and corporate worlds (Tropical Capricorn). This discrepancy is creating both a deep collective yearning for change, and a deep sense of frustration and impatience, because the progress towards change is too slow, or being thwarted, hijacked or just not happening at all. What Sagittarius and Capricorn do have in common is the need for patience, perseverance and keeping one’s eye on the goal.

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A Learning Triangle has the Moon conjunct Venus in Libra square (90°) Jupiter, Pallas and Pluto in Capricorn, which are quincunx (150°) to Moon’s North Node in Gemini, which is trine (120°) back to Moon – Venus.

The Moon conjunct Venus in Libra brings a strong emotional yearning for a return to balance and harmony, which is coming up against the Truth dilemma, described above, with which Jupiter, Pallas and Pluto are presenting us. The resolution of this dilemma lies along the green (150°) quincunx to the Moon’s North Node in Gemini. This requires the need for on-going discernment in order to separate truth from lies, long-term goals form short-term expediencies, and to enable us to maintain a peaceful resistance towards all that is not true or in the best interests of all. We have our work cut out with this!

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Another Learning Triangle has North Node square (90°) retrograde Neptune in Pisces, which is quincunx (150°) to Moon – Venus, which are trine (120°) back to the Moon’s North Node.

The red (90°) square aspect from the Moon’s Node to retrograde Neptune means that our discernment is being challenged to the point of being overwhelmed by oceans of false information, either deliberate or accidental. This is the result of taking the lid off the 2,000 years of illusion that has been spun during the Age of Pisces. That particular illusion is in the process of collapsing in on itself, making it really difficult to see what, if anything, is real, at least while Neptune remains retrograde.  It is the illusion that there is one truth that applies to all, the illusion that there is one religion, philosophy or political viewpoint that is true for all, to the exclusion of all other viewpoints. When Neptune does again turn direct on 29th November, perhaps we will fully realise that we live in a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, richly diverse universe, and that there are an infinite amount of lenses through which we can perceive, experience and understand the truth of our own nature and the One Spirit that unites us all. Perhaps this is the true gift of understanding that the Piscean Age can offer as it draws to its chaotic close.

Whilst Neptune is still retrograde, theonly things we can rely on to navigate our way through all this chaos are the energies of the Moon and Venus in Libra, which correspond with the Alta Major and Sacral Chakras (Moon) and the Solar Plexus Chakra (Venus). In other words, we need to trust our gut feelings (Sacral and Solar Plexus), informed by our intuitive inner knowing, which comes from our direct perception of the reality of the spirit realms (Alta Major). Gut feelings alone can be fear-based, and therefore not necessarily a path to truth. Perceiving the spirit realms alone can lead us away from reality, leaving us ungrounded and prone to manipulation by others, or by our own fantasies and wishful thinking. There is a whole difference between imagining the spiritual and actually perceiving it with clarity and certainty. We need both our spiritual perceptions and embodied feelings to work together, in a balanced, mutually supportive way that honours self and others equally (Libra), if we are to arrive at anything approaching truth, which can then be relied upon to inform us about right action.

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These two Learning Triangles almost form a Trapeze pattern, but there is a missing (60°) sextile between Jupiter - Pallas - Pluto and Neptune, because the orb is too wide.

The lack of a blue (60°) sextile aspect between Neptune and Jupiter - Pallas – Pluto means that, for the moment, there is no easy way to reconcile the beliefs and values of the past (Neptune in Pisces) with the new Truth that is trying to manifest (Jupiter, Pallas, Pluto in Capricorn). For the moment, this is only serving to create further polarisation and separation.

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A “Surfer” figure has a square (90°) from retrograde Neptune in Pisces to Moon’s South Node in Sagittarius, a trine (120°) from Neptune to the Sun conjunct Juno in Scorpio, and a quincunx (150°) from Neptune to the Moon conjunct Venus in Libra. Moon – Venus are sextile (60°) to the Moon’s South Node, with semi-sextiles (30°) to Sun - Juno.

This “Surfer” figure, as its name implies, involves the tension (90° square) created as we navigate the turbulent waters (retrograde Neptune) resulting from  the collapse of the old paradigm and its underlying belief systems (Moon’s South Node in Sagittarius). This collapse is releasing tsunamis of past unresolved karma from the last 2,000 years. It requires a high degree of emotional awareness and skill to maintain our balance during these times; it also requires deep inner focus and stillness (Sun in Scorpio) and a reliance on our inner knowing of what is necessary to remain in right relationship (Juno in Scorpio) with ourselves, with others and with the constantly changing and volatile environment around us. It is little wonder that we may constantly feel as if we are being knocked off our surfboard! The key right now is to just keep clambering back on and keep our inner focus on negotiating the waters immediately around us. If we try to imagine or focus on the goal of the distant shore that we are trying to reach, then the next big wave will simply wash us off again.

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Holding the empty space, in the gap between Neptune and Jupiter – Pallas – Pluto, is Ceres in Pisces, at the end of a single trine (120°) aspect from Mercury in Scorpio. Mercury is also in a Sensitivity Triangle, in opposition to retrograde Uranus in Taurus, which is semi-sextile (30°) to retrograde Chiron in Aries, which is quincunx (150°) back to Mercury.

Mercury opposing retrograde Uranus and quincunx (150°) retrograde Chiron is creating an increasing sense of urgency and anxiety about how we are ever going to heal the widening divisions and polarisation between those acting purely out of self-interest and those trying to address the needs of the wider society. Mercury, being in Scorpio, requires that we look deep beyond the surface, in order to understand the unaddressed, hidden emotional patterns, past hurts and grievances that have not been acknowledged. The single blue (120°) trine aspect from Ceres to Mercury suggests that the solution to this lies in consciously nurturing and caring for ourselves, others and the planet.  

This is nothing short of needing to change our collective version of reality from being based on the exploitation of others and the planet’s resources, to the caring for others and the planet. In doing so, we will inevitably also arrive at a whole new understanding about how to truly nurture ourselves. This is in contrast to having bought into the lie that we needed to subject ourselves to the machinations of an abusive model of reality, that has persisted for at least the last 2,000 years; the lie that has been perpetuated by religions, businesses, governments, financial and teaching institutions and has become woven into the very fabric of the collective unconscious. Right now, all of this is getting unpicked, which is why it appears to be so messy, chaotic and seemingly impossible to make sense of.

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There is a Searching Figure, formed by the semi-sextile (30°) between retrograde Chiron and retrograde Uranus, with a trine (120°) from Uranus to Vesta in Virgo and a (150°) quincunx from Vesta back to Chiron.

In our search to find how to heal the polarisation between acting out of self-interest and responding appropriately to the needs of others, we need to employ the discernment of the heart (Vesta in Virgo) in the expression of unconditional love. Being discerning means that we should not unconditionally support and forgive others when they are clearly acting purely out of self-interest, or from a place of wilful ignorance, incompetence, or in ways that are having a damaging effect on the greater whole and the planet. We need to be discerning about every detail of our own and others’ behaviour, asking ourselves “is this contributing to the common good, or is it just benefitting a few, at the expense of the many?” It is not an expression of unconditional love to look at the shambolic handling of issues such as the Coronavirus, or Brexit and pass it off by saying “well, they are doing their best”, when “their best” is clearly damaging to the well-being and livelihoods of the collective. Our respect and forgiveness need to be earned by the right thinking and right actions of others; if we are too willing to forgive, without there first being a change in others’ behaviour, then we make ourselves into the victims of what is an abusive relationship.

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Retrograde Mars in Aries is in opposition to the Moon conjunct Venus in Libra, with a trine (120°) from Mars to the Moon’s South Node in Sagittarius and a sextile (60°) from the Node to Moon – Venus.

Retrograde Mars is showing what happens when those with more power than us act out of selfishness and seek to justify it by appealing to some long-gone, outdated set of morals, principles or ideals (South Node in Sagittarius). Retrograde Mars will attempt to override the more nuanced, balanced emotional intelligence of Moon – Venus in Libra. When Mars can’t do this by fair means, then it will resort to foul means, such as using force, directing anger, guilt or blame at the other, in order to attain its ends. The good thing about Mars being retrograde in Aries is that such extreme behaviour is revealing itself in all its ugliness and toxicity, for all to see. It is up to each of us to reject such behaviour, unequivocally.

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There is a Striving Figure from the Moon’s North Node along the two quincunxes (150°), one to Jupiter – Pallas - Pluto and the other to the Sun - Juno in Scorpio, which are sextile (60°) to Jupiter – Pallas - Pluto. Sun – Juno and Jupiter – Pallas Pluto are also semi-sextile (30°) to the Moon’s South Node in Sagittarius.

As we witness the consequences of persisting in outdated beliefs and understand how many of those beliefs have caused us to be out of right relationship with ourselves, others and the planet, this understanding can propel us forward to formulate a new sense of direction and purpose that is more appropriate to the time. It is essential that we find the balance between honouring the integrity (Juno) of our true self (Sun), and expressing that truth, in the most powerful, effective ways in the outside world (Jupiter – Pallas – Pluto), for the benefit of all beings. How each one of us does this will depend upon our particular level of awareness, our knowledge, abilities, skills, position in the world and so on. The most important thing is to remain true to our inner self, and to constantly review, examine and reflect on that truth, particularly when we feel challenged at this level by others. The two green (150°) quincunxes give this figure an evolutionary quality; it is not static and unchanging, so our attitudes should not be static and unchanging, but should evolve with the changing circumstances and as different information comes to light. We need to be frequently asking ourselves “am I doing / being the best that I can do / be at this particular time, in these particular circumstances?” Then, if necessary, we may need to make changes, or adjustments in our attitude to apply our new understanding of truth in all of our dealings with others.

“My commitment is to truth, not consistency” - Mahatma Gandhi.
For All Our Relations.

Save the date: Ceremony information

We’ll be at the Hurlers with a small number of friends to make 6
Jupiter and pluto will pass over the hurlers at 4.27pm

Should others be passing, there is the possibility of more groups of 6
(Or we can all wear tweed, carry guns and shoot grouse.)


join us for an online zoom meditation at 7pm
