Jupiter Pluto conjunction - Aligning Personal Vision & Spiritual Will

There are three conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn during 2020 - on 5th April, then retrograde on 30th June, and then on 12th November. This conjunction occurs approximately every 13 years. Jupiter will then conjunct Saturn in Aquarius at the Solstice on 21st December.

We intend to work with these energies throughout the year.

Given the current situation, we will not be holding our planned workshop and ceremony on 4th and 5th April to work with the first conjunction.

Instead, we will create an online meditation and crystal grid for you to download and tune in with us.

The actual time of the Jupiter-Pluto alignment is at 02:48 BST (01:48UT/GMT) on 5th April. We plan to tune in at home, as Jupiter and Pluto pass over the nearby Hurlers Stone circles on Bodmin Moor at 08:09 BST (07:09 UT/GMT). Please, like us, remain at home and do not drive to any sacred sites for these meditations. Many of you will have spent time at sacred sites and thus have the memory of them within your being. The meditation will begin with imagining that you are there.

More information on the meditation and the crystal grid will follow in a day or so.

These Jupiter – Pluto conjunctions will offer us 3 opportunities to align our personal and collective vision for the future with the unfolding will of the Universe, emanating from Divine Source, and then begin to manifest that into a new reality, when Jupiter finally conjuncts Saturn in December. The Jupiter – Saturn conjunction in December is a one-off, it will not go retrograde and then back again, so it is crucial that we each do as much personal preparation work beforehand, whilst Jupiter and Pluto are holding sway. 

In essence, Jupiter – Pluto requires us to move into full alignment with the innermost truth of our being. To achieve that, we must see through and then cut through everything in our lives that is not an expression of our truth. This is now, quite literally a matter of life and death, at a personal level and at a planetary level. We must see through the lies, distortions, obfuscations and half-truths that we are relentlessly being fed by the billionaires, the banks, corporations, governments, the media and anyone else with a vested interest in maintaining their personal power at the expense of others. 

Jupiter works through our Brow Chakra, enabling us to focus the gaze of our inner eye into the darkness to reveal hidden motives lurking under the surface. We receive Pluto’s energies through the Stellar Gateway Chakra (above the Crown and Soul Star Chakras), connecting us with our true spiritual will. Whenever we are afraid of living from that place of truth, then the ego will misuse Pluto’s power to control, manipulate, dominate or disempower others, so that we can feel more powerful. 

Jupiter will shine its light of truth into the darkness for all to see, so that Pluto can enable us to die to our past and be reborn into a more positive, creative future. With the awareness that brings, the energy potentials locked within the darkness can be transformed into Light, for the benefit of all. We are living in the most transformative of times. If we are willing to confront the fear of our own darkness and release the Light that dwells within, then we will bring it into reality in our bodies and anchor it in the Earth through the Earth Star Chakra, beneath our feet. 

The first Jupiter – Pluto conjunction on 5th April at 02:48 BST (01:48 UT) is part of a “stellium” of 5 planets, involving a close conjunction with Pallas Athene, and a wider conjunction with Saturn and Mars. This means that we need to use our inner discernment (Pallas) to enable us to stay real (Saturn) so that we will act appropriately (Mars), after carefully thinking things through. In other words – DON’T PANIC (written in large friendly letters).

It can be a challenge to make rational decisions when much of the information we have access to is not impartial, reliable or trustworthy, but we can call on the inner knowing of Pallas Athene to assist us to cut through the BS.

A good question to ask is, ‘Does the source of this information stand to benefit?’ If you choose to question information rather than just taking everything on trust, without due consideration, this does not make you negative, unkind, untrusting, pessimistic or ‘less spiritual’. It means that you are using your spiritual discernment to recognise what is really true.

This process of inner and outer transformation is being deepened by a 90° (square) aspect from minor planet Eris to the Jupiter – Pluto – Pallas conjunction. 

Eris is a minor “dwarf” planet that was discovered in January 2005, way out beyond Pluto. In Greek myth, Eris is the goddess of discord and strife, which she delights in creating. Eris is currently in the zodiac sign of Aries, the dark side of which is selfishness and self-interest. The positive “gift” that she is bringing, in the midst of all this chaos, is to reveal to us in no uncertain terms the consequences of our human selfishness, which results from the belief that we are somehow separate from one another. This belief lies behind all kinds of oppression, the mindless depletion of planetary resources and the wanton destruction of our home.

Right now, we are being shown just how interdependent we all are for our very survival. Eris remains in Aries until June 2044, so whilst the current crisis will pass, when the square with Jupiter – Pluto completes, we will then have about 23 years to complete the radical changes needed to shift the ways that global institutions, governments, businesses and financial systems are structured, so as to become more benign towards all individuals, creatures and the planet herself. For now, we must learn the immediate lessons that Eris is bringing. 

Eris is in a small Learning Triangle, with a (90°) square to Jupiter – Pluto - Pallas, which are semi-sextile (30°) to Ceres in Aquarius, which is sextile (60°) back to Eris.

The learning in this pattern focuses on Ceres, goddess of Nature, Mother Earth. In a very short space of time, we are seeing changes happening to the environment, resulting from flights being grounded, industries being scaled back, and human movement curtailed. This is showing us what positive changes can result and just how responsive Mother Earth is, when given a chance to breathe again. We need to take note of this and not just revert to our old ways, when this crisis passes. 

As we return to “normality”, when the Eris to Pluto square subsides later this year, we need to reinstate that “normality” in a more measured, balanced way that is no longer based on greed and maximum profit for the few, but rather for the good of the planet and Humanity as a whole - Ceres is in Aquarius, the sign of Humanity. She really is doing her best to help us get this; we just need to understand the signs, which are becoming increasingly obvious to more and more people.

(I am grateful to US astrologer, Steven Forrest for highlighting the importance of Eris in our current situation. To read his excellent in-depth article about Eris and Covid-19, see: https://www.forrestastrology.com/blogs/astrology/pluto-eris-and-the-evolutionary-meaning-of-covid-19? )

As if Eris’ involvement in all this wasn’t enough for us to be dealing with, outer planetoid Sedna is also deeply involved in the current pattern. Sedna is a large planetoid, discovered in 2003 orbiting at about three times the distance of Neptune. 

In Inuit mythology, Sedna is the goddess of the dark depths of the ocean. In one version of her myth, she was consigned to the watery depths when her father cut off her fingers as she clung to the side of his boat; he did this because her great hunger was causing her to attack her parents and others. Her dismembered fingers became the whales, walruses and seals that are sacred to the Inuit and essential to sustain life. 

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(Another small Learning Triangle has Sedna square (90°) Ceres, which is semi-sextile (30°) Jupiter – Pluto – Pallas Athene, which is trine (60°) back to Sedna.)

Sedna’s anger towards her father may be seen as the anger felt by the deep feminine towards the patriarchal abuse of our planet.  We humans are actually supposed to be the guardians of the planet and all its ecology. It is a two-way relationship - we are responsible for her well-being, just as she provides us with all our needs. The tension created by the betrayal of this relationship of care is reflected in the 90° square from Sedna to Ceres. The 30° semi-sextile connection from Ceres to Jupiter – Pluto – Pallas shows the learning that needs to happen here; it is for us to use the insight of Pallas-Athene to cut through the fear and greed that lies behind this patriarchal clinging to power and the resulting hurt, abuse and sense of victimhood. Once we allow the righteous anger that we feel to cut through and free ourselves from this cycle, we can reclaim the true creative power of the deep feminine within ourselves and restore our right relationship with the deep feminine within the Earth. 

Speaking of Right Relationship, Juno is certainly trying to get our attention, sticking up on her own at the top of the chart in Libra, in opposition to Chiron and the Sun in Aries. Juno is retrograde, which means that she is showing us in no uncertain terms just how far we are out of balance (Libra) with all our relations and with the Earth herself. Juno stands all alone in Libra, the sign of relationship. Her opposition to Chiron and the Sun shows that we must each bear personal responsibility for healing our relationship with ourselves, with the planet and with all others. Then, as we are already beginning to see, quite magical transformations can occur, in ways that we could never have imagined possible.


(A Trapeze pattern has a (60°) sextile from Chiron to Venus conjunct Vesta in Gemini, which are square (90°) to the Moon, which is trine (120°) the Moon’s South Node, which is square (90°) back to Chiron. There are (150°) quincunxes from Chiron to the Moon and from Venus – Vesta to the Moon’s South Node.)

In order to heal our past, we need to be challenging all of our most deeply held beliefs, and examining whether they may, at least in part, be responsible for the current situation we find ourselves in. We can only know this by going deep within and examining our hearts, reflecting on whether our beliefs, thoughts, words or actions have contributed in any way to damaging the environment, to harming ourselves or other humans, or the creatures that live on this Earth. 

As well as our actions, we need also to consider the effects of our inaction. Failing to take action in the face of exploitation, abuse, cruelty or simple unkindness; turning a blind eye to the destructive actions of others, including our ‘leaders’; being in denial or choosing to stay in powerlessness do not enable us to escape responsibility. Doing nothing passively condones ways that damage Mother Earth and all our relations.

Vesta is showing us that what is important here is our intention; even though we may unconsciously have caused harm in the past, once we have become aware of that tendency, then it is essential to forgive ourselves, then change our intention and behaviour from that moment onwards. This is not about self-blame or self-admonishment; it is about self-awareness, self-awakening and stepping into full responsibility for life on Earth.

Now back to Jupiter:

Jupiter has a tendency to exaggerate and dramatise, so it is important to maintain a sense of perspective and realise that events unfolding around us may sometimes be being over-dramatised. This can make it difficult to discern what is true, what is exaggeration and which version of the “truth” we should believe. 

The important thing right now is that Jupiter’s over-dramatisation is getting our attention. Pluto can then enable us to dig deeper and Pallas Athene’s detached discernment can help us to get to the real truth behind what is going on, thus enabling us to make clear decisions and appropriate choices.

Pallas Athene is ruthlessly honest with herself and others. Most importantly, she is detached, not being personally invested in the outcome, with no desire to propagate her own prejudices, and she is certainly not emotionally involved. She is simply concerned with uncovering the truth. If we feel that what is happening confirms our emotionally held suspicions, theories, judgments, prejudices or biases, particularly when they spring from a wounded place within ourselves, then chances are we are not actually seeing the truth, but a reflection of our own fears or projections. 

We cannot afford such self-indulgences anymore. We need to acknowledge where we are hurting, without self-judgment, asking where is the wound that is feeding our grief, fear, anger, unhappiness or sense of feeling misunderstood by the world, and then find the best ways to work with and heal that wounding.

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(There is a Kite pattern, with Uranus in Taurus, trine (120°) the Moon in Virgo, trine Moon’s South Node in Capricorn, which is opposite the North Node in Cancer, with (60°) sextiles to Uranus and the Moon.)

At last, we get to the reward within all of this! 

The degree position of the Moon’s North Node is showing us the way. This requires careful, gentle movement forward with constant awareness of our surroundings. If we remain alert to the possible dangers that surround us personally and globally, then we will keep safe as we move forward and will not take any (or too many) wrong turns.

The degree position of the South Node shows that the most crucial thing now is a willingness and receptivity to learn, understand and grow spiritually. This doesn’t absolve us from taking responsibility for what happens on the physical plane, but our focus must turn away from chasing material/financial growth. True spiritual growth will lead to a willingness to engage fully in physical life, for the good of all. 

We are being assisted in this by Uranus in Taurus, which is enabling us to break free of the old, outmoded patterns and ways of being, but only when we are willing to let go of the past and allow change to happen. The changes that need to happen must be positive, innovative and constructive. It will not work, if change is the result of hankering after the “good old days”. We need a willingness to allow the status quo to be broken down, because it is clearly unsustainable. From within the empty space, which that creates, we need to be holding the vision of creating a new world, without yet knowing all the details of what possibilities lie ahead. For the moment, these may be beyond our current understanding.

The Moon in Virgo is acting as our protection. She is teaching us to trust the integrity of our deep feelings linked with our spiritual understanding (Moon’s North Node) to guide us through this difficult time. Virgo enables us to examine all the details and to make our choices, based on whether something feels right to us or not. Given the confusion going on all around, trusting our feelings in this way is our most reliable gauge for assessing what is right action and what is not right action for us, at the moment.

Good luck, stay safe and embrace your transformation!
For All Our Relations

We’ll be back with the meditation and crystal grid very soon

with love from Marcus and Sue

Sue Weaver