Summer Solstice 2024

Summer Solstice Parade of Planets

20th June 21:51 BST / 20:51 UT

You may have seen social media posts about the “parade of planets”, visible in the early morning sky before sunrise, which reached its peak around 3rd – 6th June. At Summer Solstice on 20th / 21st June, the planets involved will still all be lined up, although beginning to separate out a bit.

(The ‘astrology bits’ are written in italics. You can, if you like, completely ignore these and read the interpretation only.)


It may bring some insight into the meaning of this Solstice, by looking at which planets are involved, and what this particular sequence means, as the Sun reaches its annual peak in the northern hemisphere. In the UK, the moment of Solstice occurs shortly after sunset on 20th June, so the planets involved will all be beneath the horizon then, but they will rise again in this sequence in the East, the following day (21st).

First to rise is Saturn ♄ (01:00 BST) , followed by Neptune ♆ (01:20 BST), both in Pisces, then the Moon’s North Node (01:40 BST) and Chiron (02:00 BST), both in Aries; these are followed by Mars ♂ (02:30 BST) and Uranus ♅ (03:10 BST), both in Taurus, then Jupiter ♃ (03:40 BST) in Gemini, followed by the Sun (05:12 BST), conjunct Venus (05:30 BST) and Mercury ☿ (05:45 BST), all in Cancer.

Note that only Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and the Sun will be visible to the naked eye. Mercury and Venus will be obscured by the Sun. (You can adjust these rising times for your own time zone, by adding or subtracting from British Summer Time – BST)

Saturn is in a T-square, in opposition to Juno in Virgo, both with (90°) squares to the Moon, Saturn is also (120°) trine retrograde Pallas Athene in Scorpio, both with (60°) sextiles to retrograde Ceres in Capricorn.


Saturn in Pisces is revealing those relationships and social structures that have outlived their relevance, or are no longer functioning to nurture, support or protect us as they should;

Saturn is also showing us those areas where we may need to move more into alignment with the needs of Mother Earth. Saturn’s opposition to Pallas Athene will challenge us to take the practical decisions necessary to cut ties with the past, in order to maintain our personal boundaries and integrity. With Pallas being retrograde in Scorpio, this may bring up the need to look at some deeply held emotional attachments that may involve some highly charged resistance to change.

Neptune in Pisces is (120°) trine Vesta in Leo, and (60°) sextile retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, which is in opposition to Vesta.


Neptune in Pisces will wash away the debris from these collapsing social structures or relationships, hopefully with some degree of compassion, so that we can begin to feel reconnected with our hearts and re-empowered in areas where we may have become disempowered.

Moon’s North Node in Aries is in a “Learning” figure, with a (90°) square from the Moon to Juno, which is (150°) quincunx the North Node, which is (120°) trine back to Moon.


Neptune’s action of clearing and washing away will make space for the Moon’s North Node in Aries to reveal the new direction and the new relationships that we now need to move toward; it is important that we honour our own needs and make time for stillness, so that we can actually hear or perceive what the Node is showing us. Creating such space will also enable Chiron to help us break with, and heal the past, in order to step forward into a better, more positive and wholesome future.

Mars in Taurus is in a “Learning” triangle, which has Mercury conjunct Venus in Cancer, (90°) square the Moon’s South Node in Libra, which is (150°) quincunx Mars, which is (60°) sextile back to Mercury.


Mars in Taurus will bring the drive, focus and energy to grasp new opportunities that are presenting themselves and to take the practical steps necessary to move away from the past and set things in motion for the future.

Uranus in Taurus is in a “Sensitivity” figure, in opposition to retrograde Pallas Athene, which is (150°) quincunx Chiron, which is (30°) semi-sextile back to Uranus.


Then along comes Uranus, shaking everything up, challenging our self-imposed limitations and keeping us alert, so as to prevent us from slipping back into our old default patterns, behaviours or comfort zones.

Jupiter in Gemini is at the focus point of a little “Eye” pattern, with (30°) semi-sextiles to Mars and to Venus and Mercury, which are (60°) sextile to Mars.


Next comes Jupiter, enabling us to think way beyond the box and take a much broader view, so that we can perceive whatever new possibilities are opening up for us. Now is the time to choose between sticking with what has worked in the past, or embracing the unknown, to discover what can empower us for the future.

The Sun is conjunct Venus and Mercury, in a “Megaphone” pattern, with (150°) quincunxes to Pluto, which is (120°) trine to Jupiter, (30°) semi-sextile back to Sun – Venus - Mercury; Pluto is also in opposition to Vesta, which is semi-sextile back to Sun – Venus - Mercury.


The Sun is followed closely by Venus and Mercury, enabling us to experience a renewed sense of self, at the emotional and mental levels, and to communicate these changes, loud and clear out into the world.

Finally, Vesta will come along in the first degree of Leo, enabling us to open our hearts to embrace and integrate these changes into the core essence of our being.

For All Our Relations

Sue Weaver